Elke Mastwijk

Welcome to my website! If you have found me through my podcast series you already know I work as an Alexander Technique Teacher, CranioSacral Therapist and  Reflex Inhibition Therapist in The Netherlands.
The three methods I use facilitate poise, balance and ease of being, each in their own different way. Therapeutic touch is at the core of my work and I have spent thirty years developing and refining it.

Don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel and other socials for more information.


Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique is a method that helps you develop mind and body awareness

I often say “our lives are shaped by what we fail to notice”. We all develop “blind spots” things we do not notice or know about ourselves. These can deeply interfere with our functioning and our ability to reach our full potential.

The Alexander Technique method is like a gentle mirror that can bring to the surface patterns of movement, behavior and thinking. It helps you become aware of what you may want to change and teaches you how to go about it in a structured and mindful way.

After thirty years of practicing this method for myself and teaching it to others I can confidently say it is a game changer for anyone seeking to perform better in all aspects of life.

For more information please listen to my podcast episode 1.

Cranio sacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy facilitates deep connective tissue (fascia) release and normalizes pressure on the bones of the skull, the spine and the pelvis. It supports the healing of back pain, neck pain, whiplash and trauma to the head.

“Cranio” refers to the skull and “sacral” refers to the sacrum. That’s the bone in the middle of your pelvis at the bottom of your spine.

The CranioSacral systeem includes the skull, cerebrospinal fluid, the spinal column, the cerebral meninges and the pelvis. In the brain cerebrospinal fluid is produced in a certain rhythm. As a CranioSacral therapist I can feel this rhythm everywhere in the body. I monitor it to be able signal blockages and help them release. This often brings deep relaxation as well as a sense of integration and well being.

For more information please listen to my podcast episode 2.

Reflex Inhibition Therapy

All babies are tested for reflexes after they are born. They are present in all healthy babies. Reflexes can be divided into groups. One important group are the so called Primary Reflexes (or neonatal and Primitive Reflexes).

As a reflex inhibition therapist I test these Primary reflexes to assess if they are in any way affecting your adult attention, balance and coordination skills.

Why is this useful you may wonder? Well the Primary reflexes serve a purpose in the womb and early childhood, but should no longer be active after the first year of life. Proper reflex integration ensures we can develop into balanced and well functioning adults.

When Primary reflexes are not fully integrated this can show up in our adult life in unexpected ways. But almost always manifests as some form of stress that seems impossible to get rid of. Integrating these reflexes can have a calming effect on your nervous system and profoundly change your life.

For more information please listen to my podcast episode 3.

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